Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

                                                               March 9, 2006


Present:  President Alan Ackley, Clerk Monica Knaff, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Chief Todd                 Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshal Michael Richards and                                            Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack   


 Absent: Vice President Peter Legnos and Director Jeffery Vary  


At 7:11 p.m. the clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of February 9, 2006.    


Reports and Communications

Chief Todd Paige’s report was accepted for the record.

The chief mentioned that in his report he overlooked that fact that the district received $1,000. as a donation from Wal-Mart. The chief mentioned that this money will be used for Public Education or Fire Prevention.  Perhaps this money could be used as the district’s part of the FEMA grant.  President Ackley asked if Wal-Mart knew how the districts used this donation.  Monica requested a press release for Wal-Mart.

Fire Marshal Richards said that Wal-Mart is planning to become the first business in town to install an AED. (An External Defibrillator)   

Fire Marshal Michael Richards’ report was accepted for the record. 

Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack’s report was accepted for the record.


 A discussion followed concerning the CPR course that Firefighters Williamson and Richards have scheduled for the public at the Groton Public Library on March 22nd at 5:00 p.m.  The district will charge only $15.00 which will cover the cost of the materials. The fire marshal will try to get press coverage for this class.


The chief and the fire marshal commented that Firefighters Williamson & Richards work with enthusiasm and vigor.  The board complimented Firefighters Williamson and Richards for the excellent job they are doing.   


The chief mentioned he is preparing requests for proposals for remediation for Long Hill Fire Station with the money from last year concerning the mold issue. The work was not done on the second floor with the intent of moving the fire marshal’s office to the Fort Hill Station and remodeling the second floor at Long Hill Station for the Chief, Deputy Chief and Administrative Assistants offices.


Unfinished Business:

The Conseco policy will remain on unfinished business.


Deputy Chief Shaw said he is waiting for improved weather to fix the leak at the Long Hill Station. The clerk said the district has a long term problems with the flat roof and we should not continue to put off a permanent or long term solution.  It would be terrible for the mold issue to resurface because of the district’s neglect.  The deputy said about every three months someone must be called to stop a leak in the roof as it is now.  The president said he knows of a product which is rolled out on a flat roof with a 50 year guarantee.  He suggested that the district look into this product and its costs in preparation of the 2006-07 budget. 


 The board agreed to hold the budget meetings of 2006 at 13 Fort Hill Road on:    






April 3

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm


April 4

5:30 pm to 7:30 pm


April 17

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm


April 18

5:30 pm to 7:30 pm



Presentation and payment of bills:

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid in March are $70,317.02, approved by the president. 


MOTION:  At 7:55 p.m. it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff