Board of Directors Annual Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

                                                               May 18, 2005    


Present: President Alan Ackley, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Monica Knaff, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director Tammy de la Cruz, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.  


President Ackley opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. He announced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the budget for 2005-2006.  The president introduced the members of the Board of Directors, the chief, deputy chief, and administrative assistant. Alan Palmer a representative from the Voter Registration Office was present with the voters list.  President Ackley announced that Attorney Glenn T. Carberry would represent the Board of Directors as legal counsel and that Mr. Carberry would moderate the meeting.  The clerk announced the call to order with the date, time and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  There were 18 voters in attendance at this meeting which constitutes a quorum of the district voters.  


Item (1) The Chief’s report for the fiscal year 2004-05 was presented by Chief Todd Paige with a power point presentation. 


At 7:10 p.m. Attorney Carberry arrived.  President Ackley turned the remainder of the meeting over to Attorney Glenn T. Carberry. 


Item (2) Attorney Carberry briefly explained the process for the nomination and election of the Board of Directors and Officers who will serve a term from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.  Attorney Carberry called for assistance by appointing Jamie Muhlack and John Knaff as tellers to keep tract of ballots and to tabulate the results.


The moderator stated that under state law the President, Vice President and Clerk must be members of the Board of Directors. The treasurer need not be a member.  Tom Santacroce chooses to seek office as Treasurer and a member of the board.  


Nominations for the Office of President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor. The sole nominee was Alan Ackley.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations. 


Nominations for the Office of Vice President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor. Peter Legnos and Ed Welch were nominated for the office of vice president.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Nominations for the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Directors and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  The sole nominee was Monica Knaff. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Nominations for the Office of Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor. The sole nominee was Thomas Santacroce. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations



Nominations for the Director at Large were open to the floor. 

Tammy de la Cruz and Joe Baril were nominated for the office of Director at Large.    

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Attorney Carberry asked for a motion to cast one ballot for the three positions that have one nomination:  President and Board of Director Alan Ackley, Clerk and Board of Director Monica Knaff and Treasurer and Board of Director Tom Santacroce.


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to cast one ballot for the three positions of President/Board of Director Alan Ackley, Clerk/Board of Director Monica Knaff and Treasurer/Board of Director Tom Santacroce. 


The moderator directed the tellers to write the names of the contested positions and the names of four people involved on the bulletin board.  A point of order was called by Chief Todd Paige who noted that Joe Baril is an employee of the fire district and asked if that would be a conflict of interest. Attorney Carberry asked if anyone remembers this issue coming up in the past.  Dana Parfitt said she and attorney looked into this issue before and she believes that as long as the person is not directly voting on any issue which would give him gain, it would be alright.  Attorney Carberry thinks that there may have been a restriction in the old rules which date back to 1932.


Ballots for the position of vice president were distributed and collected by the tellers.

Ballots for the position of director at large were distributed and collected by the tellers.     


Attorney Carberry announced that based on the quick review of the statutes he was not able to locate any legal barrier to that service.   Attorney Carberry stated that there are two issues; one is whether there is a legal barrier to someone serving and being eligible to serve under law. Then there is an issue as to whether there is a practical concern.  The voters have to make the second determination. Attorney Carberry will check the statutes after the meeting.  Attorney Carberry further stated that if an ineligible person is elected then the district would have to hold a special meeting to remedy that situation.  Since the newly elected board will not take office until July one there is plenty of time to solve the issue appropriately.  


President Ackley questioned if the position would automatically go to the other person nominated.  The attorneys answer was no and that the district would have to have a duly noted special meeting in June to elect the director.  


Alan Palmer from the Registrar of Voters office noted that there were19 voters present.


It was announced that the results of the elections would be announced later at this meeting.


Item (3) concerning the proposed appropriations of Three Million Three Hundred Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars ($3,300,229) as a budget for the fiscal year 2005-06.

a)     One Million Eight Hundred Twenty One Thousand Fifty Nine Dollars (1,821,059) for salaries.   

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss line item 3a)


Questions concerning the clerk’s part time position, the staffing of the firefighters and the inspector position were addressed. The chief gave an explanation.


A voter stated that the district allocated money for staffing in last years budget that did not occur.  Where does the designated allotted money go this year?  This money rolls over as a surplus. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIES to appropriate One Million Eight Hundred Twenty One Thousand Fifty Nine Dollars ($1,821,059) for salaries.  


Item 3a) was voted on by a show of hand as follows:




Passed or Failed






            Item 3b) One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars ($124,920) as payment for employees to the existing pension plan, Social Security and Medicare disbursements.

MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item 3b)


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to appropriate One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars ($124,920) as payment for employees to the existing pension plan, Social Security and Medicare disbursements.



Item 3b) was voted on by a show of hand as follows:




Passed or Failed






            Item 3c) Two Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine dollars ($228,169) for a wide variety of Department Operational and Maintenance Items.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to discuss item 3c)


A voter questioned the amount for building maintenance and why did it decrease so drastically.  The chief explained that the Long Hill Station had a mold remediation which has a few minor problems to be solved. 


A voter questioned the amount allocated for the Volunteer Services and Retirement Account.  The chief explained that when the pension went down the district retained some of the money with the anticipation of an increase in the volunteer services.  The voted asked how much would be used for pension and how much for the call list. The chief stated that the call list is $10,000 and the pension is $5,500. 


A few voters asked if building maintenance included the apron out front, the storage problem and the sand out back.  The chief explained that the mold issue was not as costly as anticipated and that the district intends to encumber the remainder for maintenance. The chief further stated that the underground oil tank replacement is the first priority.  A question came from the floor as to how much money would be encumbered.  The chief believes the amount is $30,000.  


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to appropriate Two Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine dollars ($228,169) for a wide variety of Department Operational and Maintenance Items.


Item 3c) was voted on by a show of hand as follows:




Passed or Failed






MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to suspend the order of business to announce the results of the elections and passed unanimously.


Vice President

Votes received

Peter Legnos


Ed Walsh



Director at Large

Votes received

Tammy de la Cruz


Joe Baril



The Attorney asked the tellers if this is a true ballots result.  They replied affirmative.

The moderator announced the totals and that the two winners are elected to the Board of Directors along with the other three and that nothing takes affect prior to July 1st


The moderator stated that we would resume the order of business with Item 3d.


            Item 3d) Eighty Two Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars ($82,967.00) for rental of 164 Fire Hydrants. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to appropriate Eighty Two Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars ($82,967.00) for rental of 164 Fire Hydrants.

Item 3d) was voted on by a show of hand as follows:




Passed or Failed






            Item 3e) Eight Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Two Dollars ($850.002.00 for Fire          District Administrative expenses.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to appropriate Eight Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Two Dollars ($850.002.00) for Fire District Administrative expenses. 


A request for break down of insurance and medical coverage was requested.  The chief replied that the largest amount is for blue cross and blue shield in the amount of

$573, 232.00, group life insurance is $16,000.00,  workers comp is $96,816.00 and general liability for vehicles and property is $26,500.00 and group accident insurance is $3,000.00.   


An explanation concerning the amount in Administrative Services, Tax Collection and refunds was requested.  The Chief explained that the tax collection last year was

$37,100.00 this year is was reduced to $21,918 Attorney’s fees are $14,000.00. Tax refunds are $9,300.00.  A tax refund is if and when a citizen is overtaxed they receive a refund. 


Item 3e) was voted on by a show of hand as follows:




Passed or Failed






            3f Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400.00) for salaries of Fire District elected officials (Treasurer and Clerk only)


The moderator asked if anyone would object to a voice vote and if the decision is not clear then he would call for a show of hands. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to appropriate Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400.00) for salaries of Fire District elected officials (Treasurer and Clerk only). 


            3g One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($117.000) to be deposited in the      Reserve Fund as established at the 1952 Annual Meeting, to be used for capital and non-recurring expenditures, as defined in the General Statutes of Connecticut, Chapter 108. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to appropriate One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($117.000) to be deposited in the Reserve Fund as established at the 1952 Annual Meeting, to be used for capital and non-recurring expenditures, as defined in the General Statutes of Connecticut, Chapter 108. 


“What is the balance of the reserve fund’ was asked by a voter.  The chief stated it was close to $300,000. and that this fund can be used for things such as fire apparatus.  This fund should be good for the next two trucks. 


            3h Sixty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars ($64,710) as a contingency       fund for the fiscal years 2005-2006. 


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to appropriate Sixty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars ($64,710) as a contingency fund for the fiscal year 2005-2006

            3i  To authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to levy a tax on the Fire District  Grand List last completed to become due and payable on July 1, 2005 sufficient to cover the appropriations approved at this meeting.   


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to levy a tax on the Fire District Grand List last completed to become due and payable on July 1, 2005 sufficient to cover the appropriations approved at this meeting. 


            3j To Authorize the District Treasurer to take temporary loans as may be deemed     necessary by the Fire District Board of Directors.


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to authorize the   District Treasurer to take temporary loans as may be deemed necessary by the Fire District Board of Directors.


            3k To Authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to apply funds from the unencumbered balances in the 2004-2005 budget. 


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED to Authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to apply funds from the unencumbered balances in the 2004-2005 budget. 


A request for the balance was made. 


            3l  To authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to fill all vacancies.

A discussion followed concerning what would take place if firefighter Baril was found to be ineligible to serve. 


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED to authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to fill all vacancies with one opposing vote. 


It was decided that a vacancy was considered to have occurred only after a person takes office Therefore, a special election would be needed if firefighter Baril was found to be ineligible to serve.


            3m  The order of business was previously amended to give the results of the elections.  Attorney Carberry stated that he would verify whether firefighter Baril is eligible to hold office and report to the existing Board of Directors. 


            3n  To do any other legal business to come before this meeting. 

A voter stated that at last years annual meeting a question was asked if there were any law suits against the district and the voters were told no when indeed there was a law suit. Why were the voters not informed of this suit?  This law suit is on the web site and had something to do with hiring.  The chief explained that there is a law suit and the insurance company is handling this matter.  It is against the district for failure to hire. 


Attorney Carberry stated that every year his office is required to give an opinion to the auditors as to whether there are any material litigations or claims that could affect the financial ability of the district.  Attorney Carberry remembers having a conversation with Attorney O’Malley and it was deemed that this problem does not present any financial risks to the district based on the nature of the claim and to limited likelihood of success. .


Peter Legnos explained that this was just an omission not a failure to report.  Attorney Carberry will work with the chief to get some information concerning this case. 


A voter stated that last year the voters voted to hire three new people.  Where will this money go this year?  This number will not be available until the June report.  The treasurer said when the fiscal year was changed it made it difficult to get these figures.  The voter would like an estimated amount for the next year’s annual meeting.  


It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn at 8:25pm. 


Respectfully submitted,



Monica R. Knaff, Clerk