Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

January 13, 2005


Present:  President Alan Ackley, Vice President Peter Legnos, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director Tammy de la Cruz, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshal Michael Richards and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack                

Absent:  Clerk Monica Knaff         


Alan Ackley opened the meeting at 7:17 p.m.  Tammy de la Cruz announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum. A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the minutes of the regular meetings of October 14th and December 9, 2004  


Reports and Communications

Chief Todd Paige’s report was accepted for the record.

The new firefighter cost analysis was favorably discussed.

The Deputy Chief’s report was accepted for the record.     

Fire Marshal Michael Richards’ report was accepted for the record.

The Fire Marshal reported that the district has a public safety inspections issue.  Whereas there are 500 public buildings in the district which need a minimum of two inspections yearly requires more time then his allotted time on the job.  A discussion followed.  The vice president requested an outline with a man power hours estimate so the board can address this issue. 

Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack’s report was accepted for the record.


Unfinished Business:

The Conseco policy will remain on unfinished business.   


Good of the Department:

The Regency was very happy with the action taken at the time of the fire. 

 A letter was received from the Parks and Recreation and the Chamber of Commerce thanking the district for participating Lights Parade. 


Presentation and payment of bills:

Tom Santacroce presented the bills to be pain in the month of January in the amount of $157,932.42 and the manual checks in the amount of $54,859.00.


MOTION:  It was moved by Tammy de la Cruz, seconded by Peter Legnos to accept the figure of $157,932.42 and the manual checks in the amount of $54,859.00  for the bills to be paid in January, and passed unanimously.


The Fire Marshal announced that Wal-Mart give the district a donation of $1,000.00.  Wal-Mart wished to become the first public business in the Town of Groton to install an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) in the store.  


Executive Session:

At 7:50 pm the president called for executive session.  The subject was to be the union contract. 


At 8:35 pm the president reconvened the meeting and stated that no votes were taken no decisions were made in executive session.


MOTION:  At 8:36 pm it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff