Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

September 9, 2005


Present:    President Alan Ackley, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Monica Knaf,  Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw 

And Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack          


Absent:      Director Jeffery Vary and Fire Marshal Michael Richards


At 7:07 p.m. the clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum. A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the minutes of the regular meetings of July 14th and August 11, 2005 of the special meeting of June 28th and the annual meeting of May 18, 2005. 


Remarks from the Visitors:

The president announced that a visitor would be giving a report concerning a problem at the Long Hill Station.  Mr. Charles Burnside of Burnside Plumbing and Heating of Mystic stated that the Long Hill Station has four boilers of which two are leaking.  These boilers are steel boilers that are about 16 years old.  Mr. Burnside suggests that the board examine the possibility of two new stainless steel boilers.  Mr. Legnos requested a price quote for the replacement boilers.  The deputy chief said Mr. Burnside gave him a quote of $14,327.00 to install the two new boilers. To replace two of the existing boilers it would cost $11,000.00.  At this time Mr. Burnside maintains the systems in both buildings. Mr. Legnos suggested that the efficiency of the system be closely examined prior to making a decision.


The chief reminded the board that the cost is more than $10,000 so this item must go out to bid.  Mr. Ackley asked if all of this can be compiled prior to the next meeting.  At the next meeting the board would like to examine the information and make a firm decision.  Mr. Burnside stated that he is willing to continue to maintain the systems weather the board accepts his bid or not.      


Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report was accepted for record.

Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack’s report was accepted for record. 

The Town’s failed to bill the district for the contribution to the pension fund was discussed.

Mr. Ackley suggested that personnel from the fire department should attend the pension meetings to protect their investment. 

The clerk stated that even through it is more expensive she is mailing the minutes to the board members because she does not have everyone’s email addresses.  


Unfinished Business:

The flag pole replacement was presented by the deputy chief.  The utility company requests a ten foot clearance from the side of the flag.  A twenty foot replacement flag pole could be installed behind the memorial bench at the front of the building.  The pole would be one piece aluminum pole three inches at the base for the cost of $742.50.


No conclusion has been reached on the Conseco policy at this time. 


Now that Matt Shuette is no longer the account broker for the district health consultant group Mr. Legnos believes that the district should go out for bid.  In the past it was difficult to get information from Mr. Shuette.  Mr. Legnos feels it is good business to have information from at least two insurance brokers. 


New Business:

MOTION: Peter Legnos moved, seconded by Monica Knaff to accept the bid from the Shipman’s Fire Equipment for the turnout gear in the amount of $1,502.28, and passed unanimously. 


Peter Johnson and Michael Gayle have volunteered to answered FEMA request to serve on a Community Relations teams in hurricane Katrina recovery efforts for a two week period.  FEMA covers salaries and expenses but no overtime pay.  The board expressed support and pride in these firemen and the department.  


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to support the firemen’s efforts and willingness to help with this disaster. 


A discuss followed concerning the encumbrance of $40,060 for the employers pension contribution. 


MOTION:  Tom Santacroce moved, seconded by Peter Legnos to accept the new encumbrance amount and resolution in the amount of $166,277.12, and passed unanimously.  


MOTION:  Peter Legnos moved, seconded by Monica Knaff to replace the flag pole in the amount of $742.50, and passed unanimously. 


The president asked the chief to explain the unnecessary procedure the board has been following in the presentation and payment of the bills.  The chief explained in accordance to the State Statutes Section 7-327b only the president and treasurer’s consent are required. The treasurer presents the figures to the president and the president accepts the figures. Three signatures are still required on each check.  No vote is needed from the board.  The chief stated Attorney Carberry’s opinion is in favor of this change.      


Tom Santacroce stated he is not comfortable with Jeff Vary’s repeated absence.  In the past the president would reprimand the person involved.  There are no known regulations as to how many meetings a director can miss.  The board request that Mr. Ackley speak with Mr. Vary.


Mr. Ackley stated that the amount of $120,873.26 is accepted for the bills to be paid in the month of September. 


At 8:23pm the president announced that the board would hold an executive session to discuss personnel matters. Chief Todd Paige and Deputy Chief Russell Shaw were invited to attend. 


At 9:15pm the president reconvened the meeting stating that no votes were taken no decisions were made in executive session.  


MOTION:  At 9:16pm it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff