Board of Directors Annual Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

     May 24, 2006       



Present: President Alan Ackley, Clerk Monica Knaff, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director Jeffrey Vary, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.


Absent: Vice President Peter Legnos


President Ackley welcomed all members.  At 7:07 the clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.  Glenn T. Carberry, the districts attorney was also present.     


President Ackley announced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the budget for 2006-2007.  The president introduced the members of the Board of Directors, the chief, deputy chief, and administrative assistant. Alan Palmer a representative from the Voter Registration Office was present with the voters list.  President Ackley announced that Attorney Glenn T. Carberry would represent the Board of Directors as legal counsel and that Mr. Carberry would moderate this meeting. There were 16 voters in attendance at this meeting which constitutes a quorum of the district voters.   


Item (1) Attorney Carberry briefly explained the process for the nomination and election of the Board of Directors and Officers who will serve a term from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.  Attorney Carberry called for assistance by appointing Jamie Muhlack and Tom Eldridge as tellers to keep track of ballots and to tabulate the results.


The moderator stated that under state law the President, Vice President and Clerk must be members of the Board of Directors. The treasurer need not be a member.  Tom Santacroce chooses to seek office as Treasurer and a member of the board.  There is also a Director at Large.   


Nominations for the Office of President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Alan Ackley and Ed Welch were nominated for the Office of President and Board of Directors.    

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations. 


Nominations for the Office of Vice President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor. The sole nominee was Peter Legnos.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Nominations for the Office of the Clerk and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Nancy Beckwith and Monica Knaff were nominated for the Office of the Clerk and Board of Directors.  

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations



Nominations for the Office of Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor. The sole nominee was Thomas Santacroce. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Nominations for the Director at Large were open to the floor. 

Jeff Vary and Joyce Bergeson were nominated for the office of Director at Large.     

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations


Attorney Carberry requested a count of the voters in attendance of the meeting. Alan Palmer from the Registrar of Voters office noted that there were16 voters present.   The moderator directed the tellers to write the names of the contested positions and the names of the people involved on the bulletin board.   


Ballots for the position of President, Clerk and Director at Large were distributed and collected by the tellers.  The tellers announced that the total ballots collected were 16.       


It was announced that the results of the elections would be announced later in this meeting.


The moderator announced that item (2a) would be the first item discussed which has one million nine hundred and nine thousand one hundred and one ($1,909,101.) for salaries.

The breakdown of item (2a) is the Fire Department Supervision/Administration, Fire Department Operations and Fire Department Operations overtime. 


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item (2a)


Question concerning the Fire Marshal’s clerk as a part time position were discussed. The chief explained that she is part time for the remainder of this fiscal year.  This proposed budget has her listed as full time. 


MOTION:  Mr. Parfitt MOVED and it was SECONDED to amend item (2a) to add $41,236. for the fire department overtime pay to allow for shift staff to be at 6 firefighters with two to be assigned the ladder truck.


Mr.Vary questioned how this amount would affect the addition items needed for support in order to add these additional firefighters? 


The moderator stated that the new figure if this item were amended would be $1,950,337.

The moderator asked for a vote to the amendment to item 2a from $1,909,101 to $1,950.337.









Moderator asked for a vote of all those in favor it line item 2a at $1,950.337 as amended.










Mr. Parfitt proposed a motion to direct the District Board of Directors to set a minimum level of career firefighters at 6 per shift prior to 8:00am Monday January 1, 2007. 


The Moderator said this is not on the agenda at this time.   Mr. Parfitt could try to propose this motion under Item 9 titled any other legal business to come before this meeting.  At that time Attorney Carberry will make a determination as to whether that would be within the scope of this meeting or not. 


Item 2b One Hundred Fifty Five Thousand and Ninety Six Dollars ($155,096) as payment for employees to existing pension plan for Social Security and Medicare disbursements.


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item (2b)


It was MOVED and it was SECONDED to amend the figure of 2b by $38,750. which would be twenty five percent to cover the pension plan, social security and Medicare expenses with the addition made to 2a.


The moderator stated that the district just added $41,236 to pay for the additional firefighter which would mean the benefits would be about 90% of the pay.  The motion and the second were withdrawn.  The chief said most firefighters do no contribute to social security most of they contribute to Medicare and pension plan. 


The moderator requested a new figure of 15% of 41,000.  The figure was changed to $6,185.


The moderator asked for a vote to the amendment to item 2b from $155,096 to $161,281.









Moderator asked for a vote of all those in favor of line item 2b at $161,281 as amended.









Item 2c Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Five Dollars ($313,755) for the following department operational and maintenance items. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item 2c. 


The maintenance of Long Hill Station and Fort Hill Stations was discussed.


The Moderator call for a vote on item 2c in the amount of $313,755. for operational maintenance.   









Item 2d Eighty Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Six Dollars ($83,476) for rental of 164 Fire Hydrants. 


The moderator announced that an additional voter checked in bringing the total number of voting members in attendance to 17. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss Item 2d


The Moderator called for a vote on Item 2c in the amount of $83,476.00









Item 2e Nine Hundred Sixty Tow Thousand two hundred and Forty Nine Dollars ($962,249.00) for Fire District Administrative expenses.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item 2e


The Moderator called for a vote on item 2e in the amount of $962,249.00 for Fire District Administrative Expenses.









Item 2f Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400) for the salaries of the Fire District elected members as Treasurer and Clerk. 


The moderator called for a vote on item 2f in the amount of $2,400. for salaries of the Clerk and Treasurer of the Fire District. 









Item 2g One Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Dollars ($136,000) to be deposited in the Reserve Fund as established at the 1952 Annual Meeting, to be used for capital and non-recurring expenditures, as defined in the General Statutes of Connecticut, Chapter 108.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item 2g


The moderator called for a vote on item 2g in the amount of $136,000 to be deposited in the Reserve Fund.









Item 2h Seventy One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Tow Dollars ($71,242) as a contingency fund for the Fiscal Year 2006-07


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item 2h


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to amend this figure with an increase of $948.42  bringing the total to $72,190.42




The moderator called for a vote on item 2h in the amount of $72,190.42 as a contingency fund for the Fiscal Year 2006-07









Item Number 3: To authorize the expenditure of Four Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($405,000) to be disbursed from the Reserve Fund for the replacement of the Fire Marshals vehicle and to replace a Fire Pumper. 

            Replace Engine 32                                       $375.000

            Replace the Fire Marshal’s Car                      30,000       


A member asked for the total of the Reserve Fund at this time.  The chief said it was $434,078. 


MOTION: It was MOVED and SECONDED that district board purchase a hi-bred car for the Fire Marshal. 


A discussion followed as to the implications of the union contract and the right of the elected board to make these decisions. 


The Moderator ruled this motion out of order. Attorney Carberry believes this amendment is out of range of this item. He reminded the district that there is an appropriate place and time to discuss this matter.   


A discussion followed. 


The moderator called for a vote to appropriate $405,000 from the Reserve Fund for the Fire Marshal’s vehicle and to replace the pumper. 









Item Number 4:  To authorize the Fire District Board to levy a tax on the Fire District Grand List last completed to become due and payable on July 2, 2006 sufficient to cover the appropriations approved at this meeting. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss Item Number 4.


The moderator called for a vote to allow the District Board to levy a tax to cover the appropriations approved at this meeting.










Item Number 5 to authorize the Fire District Treasurer to take temporary loans as may be deemed necessary by the Fire District Board of Directors.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss Item Number 5.


The moderator called for a vote to allow the Fire District Treasurer to take temporary loans as may be deemed necessary by the Fire District Board of Directors.









Item Number 6.  To authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to apply funds from the unencumbered balance in the 2005-06 budget.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss Item Number 6.


A discussion followed concerning the amount of money presently in the unencumbered balance.  The chief said the amount in Health and Safety is approximately $2,288. and principal supplies and equipment the approximate amount is $4,916. 


The moderator explained that this figure is not usually available until the district levy’s the tax. 


The moderator called for a vote to allow the Fire District Board to apply funds from the unencumbered balance in the 2005-06 budget.









Item Number 7 to authorize the Fire District Board to fill all vacancies. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to discuss item number 7.


Mr. Baril stated he is opposed to this item because he believed any vacancies that the board may have should be filled by the tax payers and not by the board itself. 


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to amend Item number 7 that the district board be authorized to hold a special meeting to fill all vacancies. 


The moderator called for a vote to amend Item 7 to authorize the Fire District Board to hold a special meeting to fill any vacancies that may occur.  


A question of clarification arose.  The moderator further explained that this amendment authorizes the Fire District Board to hold a special meeting of the district voters in the event of a vacancy among the officers or directors.  At which meeting the voters shall elect the replacement.


All those in favor of amending item 7 to authorize the Fire District Board to hold a special meeting of district voters in the event that a vacancy among the officers or directors at which special meeting the voters shall elect the replacement.  











The moderator called for a vote that item 7 will authorize the Fire District Board to hold a special meeting of the district voters in the event that a vacancy among the officers or directors at which special meeting the voters shall elect the replacement.









Item Number 8 to announce the results of the elections.


The moderator read the results as follows: 

For the office of Director at Large                           Joyce Bergeson

For the Office of Clerk                                              Nancy Beckwith

For the Office of Treasurer                                       Tom Santacroce

For the Office of Vice President                              Peter Legnos

For the Office of President                                       Edward Welch Sr                                         


The vote tally went as follows:




Total Votes


Alan Ackley



Ed Welch Sr


Vice President

Peter Legnos



Monica Knaff



Nancy Beckwith



Thom Santacroce


Director at Large

Jeff Vary



Joyce Bergeson



The members of the new board will take office on July 1, 2007.


9.  To do any other legal business to come before this meeting.


Mr. Parfitt proposed a motion to direct the District Board of Directors to set a minimum level of career firefighters at 6 per shift prior to 8:00am Monday, January 1, 2007.


The moderator ruled consistent with several prior rulings made in the past that this item is not properly before this meeting under the notice that was issued and this is also a matter that would come under the jurisdiction of the district board.  This issue could be the subject of a special meeting of the fire district voters if a proper petition for that purpose was filed in accordance with the state statues. 


This subject should be brought up before the district board meetings or a special meeting could be called. 


A discussion followed.


The moderator announced that with the three additional amounts the fiscal year 2006-07 budget will be $3,681,688. 



It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn at 9:05pm. 


Respectfully submitted,



Monica R. Knaff, Clerk