Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2007

 Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshall Michael Richards, Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack

 Absent:, Director Joyce Bergeson, Chief Todd Paige,

 At 6:34 PM the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum. As this meeting was called to elect a new director, replacing Joyce Bergeson, the Clerk announced that there were sufficient Registered voters and taxpayers present (fifteen (15) are required for an election.).  Those present were: Tom Santacroce, Peter Legnos, Nancy Beckwith, Ed Welch, Rice (40 D St), D. Bingaman (24#1 Fort Hill Road), N. Wilson (30 Fort Hill Road), R. Ackley (145 Hazelnut Hill Road), S. Ackley (146 Hazelnut Hill Road), L. King (188 Laurelwood Road), T. Ackley Jr. (114 Newtown Road), V. Ackley (53 North Road), D. Ackley (97 North Road), A. Ackley (99 North Road), L. Ackley (99 North Road), R. Santacroce (156 North Road).

 Fire Marshall M. Richards announced the location of Fire Exits. 

 President Welch opened the floor for nominations. Tom Santacroce nominated Alan Ackley.  Peter Legnos seconded the motion.  President Welch asked for any additional nominations.   Baring none, President Welch cast one (1) ballot for Alan Ackley.

  MOTION:  At 6:37   it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.


This meeting followed:

Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2007

 Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack and Fire Marshall Michael Richards

  Absent:  Director Alan Ackley, Chief Todd Paige,

  At 7: 01 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of January 11, 2007, and passed unanimously.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the special meeting minutes of January 11, 2007, and passed unanimously.

Remarks from Visitors: 

 Union President Kale Kiley asked that the Board of Directors support the Cost of Living Adjustment for retirees.  He additionally requested that the Board of Directors consider the six (6) man minimum request, previously addressed at an earlier meeting.   President Kiely challenged the Chief’s original statement that this should be a negotiated item.  President Kiely restated an earlier statement that the taxpayers had voted on this money effective January 2007.  Additional information has been requested from Administrative assistance, Jamie Muhlack. President Kiely challenged Chief Paige’s earlier statement of this not being budgeted.   Kiely stated that three or four annual meetings ago, Chief Paige reported that his goal was nine (9) men as a minimum.  The Union believes that the extra man is required.  

Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report was submitted by Deputy Chief Shaw on behalf of Chief Paige and accepted for the record.      Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s issued no separate report.  Fire Marshall Richards’s report was submitted and accepted for the record.  He additionally provided a copy of Local Fire Marshal Duties to the Board of Directors Clerk Nancy Beckwith offered no formal report.   Treasurer Tom Santacroce offered no formal report.  

Unfinished Business


 New Business

 Extension of Retirement to M. Richards – Sect5ion 4 of the Pension Agreement specifies that Fire Marshal Richards must get annual approval to continue working after age 60.  M. Richards has submitted a letter to the chief with such request.  

MOTION:              N. Beckwith moved to extend retirement to M. Richards, P. Legnos seconded the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

 Cost of Living for Retirees:

 Discussion among the Board of Directors ensued discussing the proposed Cost of Living adjustments for retirees.  A 3.3% raise would cost $4,700 annually, 4.1% would cost $5800 annually and 7.4% would cost $10,500 annually.   Vice President P. Legnos expressed concern regarding all the other expenses that must be paid over the next year as well as the high tax rate in the Poquonnock Bridge Fire District.  Other districts are as low as ˝ mill.  PBFD is over 6 mill.   Discussion ensued between President Welch and Vice President Legnos.   P. Legnos stated that the request is reasonable; however, he is not sure how we would pay for it.  President Welch stated that the retirees are entitled to the cost of living adjustment and that we should give it to them. 

MOTION:              President Welch moved to give the retirees a 7.4% increase.  NO SECOND

 MOTION:              Vice President P. Legnos moved give the retirees a 3.3% increase.  Clerk N. Beckwith seconded the motion.  Vote: 2 opposed,  2 abstentions.   MOTION FAILED

 Discussion was tabled to next meeting.

 Office Staff Pensions: -  

A proposal to remove the Administrative Assistant and Fire Marshal clerk from the GMEA pension agreement and place them under a pension agreement fro Poquonnock Bridge Fire District office staff was reviewed. 

 MOTION:              Vice President P. Legnos moved this transfer.  Clerk, N. Beckwith seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

 Good of the Department

 Deputy Chief Russell Shaw reported that Groton Long Point Police Sergeant was very impressed with PBFD response.

 Fire Marshall M. Richards expressed his concern about the retirement plan and non passage of a Cost of Living Adjustment.   Other Fire Districts in the town of Groton appear to be more focused on garbage pickup and not fire fighting.

 Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for January approved by the Vice President are $77,251.44

 Executive Session:

 The Board of Directors adjourned to executive session..

 The meeting reconvened at 7:54 pm. 

 MOTION:  At 7:54 it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District