Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2006


Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshall Michael Richards and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.

Absent:  Director Joyce Bergeson

Excused:  Chief Todd Paige

At 7: 04 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of July 13, 2006, and passed unanimously.

Remarks from Visitors:

A Volunteer expressed concern contacting the Chief in regards to the call list.  Several attempts have been made. Also discussed was the status of the oil tank which was a concern last year.  Thanks were given for cleaning up the meeting room.  Deputy Chief Shaw stated that the oil tank new location is still being discussed.  The present oil tank is over twenty years old and in the ground.  Staff is still determining the best place to put it.  Vice President, Peter Legnos offered support based on his business experience.  He also stated to the Volunteers that we will nudge the Chief in regards to the Call List.

Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report as submitted by Deputy Chef Russell Shaw, was accepted for the record.    Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s report was accepted for the record.  Fire Marshal Richard’s report was accepted for the record.  Clerk Nancy Beckwith and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack offered no formal reports.

Unfinished Business

Additional discussion on the move of the oil tank continued.  Vice President Peter Legnos suggested putting it outside.  The original oil tank was put in the ground around 1980-1982 and really needs to be replaced.

New Business

Memorandum dated 9/8/06 from Chief Todd Paige describing firefighting hiring recommendation was presented detailing the overall scores and rankings of the top candidates for the most recent hiring process for the position of Firefighter.  Nancy Beckwith moved to accept the recommended appointment and Vice President Peter Legnos seconded the motion.  Motion Carried unanimously.

Memorandum dated 9/7/06 from Chief Todd Paige detailing office Clerk vacancy was discussed.  Susan Henzy, the current clerk has resigned her position due to family obligations effective 10/6/06.  Discussion was held as to whether the new position should offer health insurance at 40 hours per week as Ms. Henzy had waived health insurance.  Adequate budget exists to provide coverage to a new employee.  Vice President Peter Legnos asked what current department policy was and was told that a 40 hour work week with health insurance was normal.  Memorandum offered two options: (1) 40 hour work week with health insurance and (2) 35 hour work week with no health insurance.  Nancy Beckwith moved to accept Option (1), Vice President Peter Legnos Seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

New Business Cont’


A draft memorandum from Deputy Chief Russell Shaw was presented Re: Repair Front Ramp at PBFD Fort Hill Station.  The scope of the work is the repair of the concrete retaining wall and front ramp surface.  Input was requested as to what scope of work might be desirable?  Concrete versus asphalt?  Concrete was discussed as expensive and also noted was the location is in an evacuation zone for a Category 1 Hurricane.  President Ed Welch discussed the need to look into the future in lieu of immediate needs.  Vice President Peter Legnos advised getting bids.  He also suggested giving him the specifications for evaluation as perhaps a retaining wall isn’t required.

Good of the Department

Fire Marshall Michael Richards expressed his sorrow with Ms. Susan Henzy leaving; PBFD is truly loosing a dedicated employee.

Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for August approved by the Vice President are $73,469.54.


MOTION:  At 7:40, it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.


Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District