Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2007

 Present: Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Director at large Alan Ackley, Chief Todd Paige, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack

 Absent:  President Ed Welch, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Fire Marshall Michael Richards, and Deputy Chief Russell Shaw,

 At 7:08 p.m. The Vice President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of October 11, 2007 and passed unanimously.

 Remarks from Visitors: 


 Reports and Communications:

 Chief Todd Paige’s report was submitted and accepted for the record.  No other formal reports were offered.  Clerk of the District, N. Beckwith requested advice for the 2008 meeting schedule. The BOD decided that the 2008 annual meeting would be on the 2nd Wednesday of May.

 Unfinished Business


 New Business

 Alan Ackley requested information about the Old Mystic Volunteer Fire Department alleged “secret meetings”.  Chief Paige responded that he did not know much more than the Day Paper reported but that the paper was largely inaccurate.

 Good of the Department

 A letter of gratitude was received from Grasso Tech thanking PBFD for support on 9/11. 

 Presentation and payment of bills 

The Clerk announced that the bills to be paid for October approved by the President are $115,481.68

 Executive Session

 The BOD retired to executive session at 7:23 pm.   Meeting reconvened at 7:44 pm.

 MOTION:  At 7:45 PM it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District