Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2006

 Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshall Michael Richards and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.

 Absent:  Director Joyce Bergeson

 At 7:04 the Clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of October 12, 2006, with modification and passed unanimously.  Meeting minutes of October 12 incorrectly state that they are the meeting minutes of September 14 in the header section, although in the body of the report detail the approval of the meeting minutes of September 14.

 Remarks from Visitors:


 Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report was submitted and accepted for the record.   No formal report was submitted by Deputy Chief Russell Shaw. Deputy Chief Shaw stated that he would discuss the oil tank replacement at New Business.   Fire Marshal Richard’s report was accepted for the record.  Clerk Nancy Beckwith and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack offered no formal reports.  Nancy Beckwith reported for the record that the meeting was not being taped due to the absence of tapes at the Fire House.   Treasurer Thomas Santacroce offered no formal report.  

 Unfinished Business

Additional discussion on the move of the oil tank continued.   Deputy Chief Shaw provided a price quote of $3838 from Service Station Equipment plus disposal and liquid sludge removal. Kropp Environmental Contractors submitted a bid for $10,000.  No other proposals are expected as the bid due date closed 11/9/06.   

MOTION:  Vice President Peter Legnos moved to accept the proposal from Service Station Equipment.  Clerk, Nancy Beckwith seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously. 

 Stage discussion was deferred.  President Ed Welch reported that there was no meeting with the volunteers.

 New Business

Chief Todd Paige submitted a recommendation to award a bid for a new engine to Shipman’s Fire Equipment for a new Ferrara 1500 GPM Fire Engine (pumper) to replace Engine 32.  Chief Paige disclosed that his father works for Shipman Fire Equipment.  Discussion ensued between the Board of Directors as the bid from Shipman’s Fire Equipment was the only bid received.  Chief Paige reported that there was a three (3) week bidding period.  Clerk Nancy Beckwith stated that she felt that sufficient justification was received in the letter. President Ed Welch concurred.  Vice President Peter Legnos disagreed and challenged the companies that did not submit a bid.  Captain Driscoll spoke during the meeting and reported that he was surprised as Seagrave had reported that they would bid and then never replied.  The bid package was typical and not written specifically for a Ferrara Pumper.  The specification was detailed to allow equivalents.  Vice President Peter Legnos asked for comparative prices for similar Fire Trucks.  Chief Todd Paige stated that the market was very busy right now due to impending regulation changes.  Captain Driscoll further stated that E-1 had expressed interest in the proposal prior to the official bidding period and was surprised that they never submitted a bid. 

 MOTION: Clerk Nancy Beckwith moved to accept the recommendation to award bid for New Engine as detailed in the 11/9/06 Chief Todd Paige letter to the District Board of Directors.  President Ed Welch seconded.  Vice President Peter Legnos abstained.  The motion carried with a majority.

  Chief Todd Paige submitted for later reading a draft agreement for providing pensions for Poquonnock Bridge Fire District Office Staff. 

 Additional discussion ensued regarding the selling of Fire Marshall’s used Ford Explorer to the town of Hebron for book value as estimated at $4000. This proposal is detailed in the Report of the Fire Chief, paragraph XI.

 MOTION:  Clerk Nancy Beckwith moved to sell the 1999 Ford Explorer.  Treasurer Tom Santacroce seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

 The next discussion involved the absentee fifth director.  Treasurer Tom Santacroce reported that a special meeting was required with a fifteen (15) member quorum to replace Joyce Bergeson.  (Who has not attended one meeting). A ten day notice is required to the Town Clerk.  Clerk Nancy Beckwith stated that she would notify the town to schedule the special election on the same day as the next regular meeting scheduled for December 14, 2006. 

 Request for Cost of Living Adjustment

Chief Todd Paige reported that retired Firefighter Robert Halligan had requested a review of his pension benefits for a cost of living increase.  Chief Paige does not remember this every being done before.  The union contract states that this review is to be accomplished “upon request”.  A discussion ensued regarding the union contract which delays payment for a year (allowing the budget to catch up) as well as that the Fire Fighters do not get Social Security or any Cost of Living Adjustment.  When queried by Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Chief Paige reported that the City of Groton did get a Cost of Living Adjustment this year. Chief Paige requested authorization for an actuarial review. 

 MOTION:  President Ed Welch moved to allow the actuarial review for retirees.   Clerk Nancy Beckwith seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

 Vice President Peter Legnos additionally asked for contrasting information from other contracts for comparison.

 Good of the Department

 Fire Marshall Michael Richards reported that FEMA had provided funding for training.  The Poquonnock Bridge Fire District used that funding to purchase a doll type house and life like dummies to bring to local schools to teach fire safety.

. Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for August approved by the President are $103,676.42.

 The meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District