Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes


May 10, 2007

 Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director at large, Alan Ackley, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack

 Absent: Fire Marshall Michael Richards

  At 7: 10 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of March 8, 2007, and passed unanimously.

 Remarks from Visitors: 


 Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report for the month of April was submitted and accepted for the record.  As there was no meeting in April, the report for the month of March was promised for the next meeting for the record. Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s issued no formal report.  He additionally stated that he would discuss the bid for repair of the ramp under new business.  Administrative Assistant, Jamie Muhlack offered no formal report as did Clerk, Nancy Beckwith. Treasurer Tom Santacroce offered no formal report.

Unfinished Business

 Chief Paige again brought up a discussion of the previously voted down COLA.  Although the previously accepted meeting minutes stated that the vote resulted in disapproval, the thought was that the BOD had actually approved the 3.3% increase.  P. Legnos opened the discussion again.  Clerk, N. Beckwith reread past meeting minutes.

 MOTION:  N. Beckwith moved to pass a 3.3 increase Cost of Living to retirees.  P. Legnos seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

 New Business

 Deputy Chief Russell Shaw opened discussion on the repair to the Ramp at the Fort Hill Station.  Although ten (10) Request for Quotes (RFQs) were sent out, only one (1) bid was received.  Each company that was mailed a RFQ had been contacted prior to submitting a RFQ, thus this was not expected.  Two (2) companies submitted “No Bid” responses.  Seven (7) other companies never responded.  Deputy Chief Shaw did not submit a recommendation to the Board of Directors as he wanted to get more details from the Contractor that did submit a bid.  P. Legnos stated that we should look at alternatives for the repair.  The Chief, Deputy Chief as well as most of the BOD responded that any deviation to this repair must be approved by the Volunteers. The entire repair may have to be re-bid and the money encumbered. Deputy Chief Shaw stated that he would additionally talk to the volunteers.

 P. Legnos additionally discussed web site maintenance and requested Chief Paige to put all mutual aid agreements on the site for readily available public information.  More discussion continued on the inequities in taxes in the Town of Groton.  Chief Paige responded that he needed to find a webmaster, possible outside the current staff. 

 MOTION:  P. Legnos moved to update the PBFD Website to inform Taxpayers of Tax structure.  Alan Ackly seconded the motion.    Motion passed unanimously.

 Good of the Department


Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for January approved by the Vice President are $96,740.74

 MOTION:  At 8:15 it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.

 Respectfully submitted,


Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District