Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2006

Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce,  Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.

 Absent:  Director Joyce Bergeson, Fire Marshall Michael Richards

 At 7: 09 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of November 9,  and passed unanimously.

 Remarks from Visitors: 


 Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report was submitted and accepted for the record.  A brief discussion of retirement benefits ensued.    Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s issued no formal report.   Clerk Nancy Beckwith offered no formal report. She did report that for the second month, the meeting was not being taped as the cabinet was locked with the tape recorder.  Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack offered no formal report however reported donations made on behalf of PBFD.  She also reported that the former clerk, Susan Hendy’s husband has passed away.  Treasurer Tom Santacroce offered no formal report.

 Unfinished Business

Nancy Beckwith reported that the next special meeting to fill the Board of Directors slot will be 1/11/06 at 6:30.  Chief Paige volunteered Jamie Muhlack’s assistance filing the legal notice in the paper.  Ms. Beckwith stated that she would send the wording to Jamie.

 New Business

Chief Todd Paige provided a Draft copy of the proposed Pension Plan for Poquonnock Bridge Fire District office staff.  Members of the BOD deferred looking at the plan until Human Resources and the Attorney have reviewed.

 Chief Todd Paige provided a Draft copy of a proposed Pay per Call system.  Previous direction was to come up with a system and implement.  Chief Paige reported that he has not been successful getting endorsement through the volunteers despite numerous meetings.  In summary, the Draft proposal is designed to encourage response rate and a higher level of participation to ensure team building.  The proposal also requires training and provides credit towards the incentive when a volunteer is trained.  Treasurer Tom Santacroce stated that it is the responsibility of the BOD to handle the money and the Chief is empowered to implement this system himself.  The BOD should not be overstepping its authority.  Additional discussed continued.  President Ed Welch questioned specifics on the proposal.  Chief Paige reported that training has been continually cancelled by the members and PBFD must ensure that required certifications (e.g. OSHA) are maintained.  Vice President Peter Legnos stated that PBFD should be on par with the rest of the  town.  Finally both Vice President Peter Legnos and Clerk Nancy Beckwith echoed Treasurer Tom Santacroce’s statement and deferred to the authority of the Chief.

 Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes                                                            Page 2 of 2

December 14, 2006

 Without being recognized, Union Local 2704 President, Kale Kiely submitted a Memorandum of Agreement for BOD approval to increase the minimum fire fighting employees from five (5) to six (6) pursuant to article XXXVII.   Mr. Kiely told the BOD that this was approved by the Taxpayers and sufficient budget was authorized.  The BOD deferred signing the MOA until after attorney review and verification of budget.  Chief Paige stated that PBFD did not have sufficient funds for the added position.   Mr. Kiely requested that the record showed that Union executives were present and prepared to sign immediately.

 Good of the Department

 Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack reported receiving a letter from the United Way thanking the PBFD for the $932 donation. 

 Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for August approved by the Vice President are $122,347.98

 MOTION:  At 8:14, it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.


Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District