Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

April 14, 2005



Present:  Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Monica Knaff, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Fire Marshal Michael Richards and     Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack                

Absent:   President Alan Ackley, Director Tammy de la Cruz, Chief Todd Paige


Acting President Peter Legnos opened the meeting at 7:08 p.m.  The clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum. A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the minutes of the regular meetings of March 10, 2005, and passed unanimously.

It was noted that the minutes indicated that the annual meeting would be held at 13 Fort Hill Road instead of the Middle School. Jamie Muhlack informed the board that middle school was unavailable on May 18th so the Annual meeting would be held at 13 Fort Hill Rd. 


Remarks from the Visitors:

John Parfitt Jr. President Poquonnock Bridge Volunteer Fire Company presented two letters concerning the 2000 Dodge Durango and Poquonnock Bridge Fire Department Public Relations. 


Reports and Communications:

Deputy Chief Russell Shaw presented Chief Todd Paige’s report which was accepted for the record. Deputy Chief Russell Shaw added a comment about Captain Blais and his crew cleaning up the Long Hill Parking Lot. Acting President Legnos complimented Captain Blais and crew for a job well done.

Fire Marshal Michael Richards’ report was accepted for the record.

Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack’s report was accepted for the record.

A discussion followed concerning the unavailability for the Middle School for the Annual Meeting.


Unfinished Business:

The Conseco policy will remain as unfinished business.  


New Business:

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the proposed budget for the fiscal year of 2005-2006 in the amount of $3,250,700.00, a rate mill of 6.7, and passed unanimously. 


Good of the Department:

Michael Richard stated that in the past he has asked Acting Captain Kiely to clean up and set up the conference room.  Acting Captain Kiely and a crew cleaned the entire room and fixed the stuffed chairs.  Michael Richards complimented the crew for a job well done.  Acting president Peter Legnos commented that Public Relations and recompilations should come under the good of the department and that some efforts should be made to establish some policies regarding Public Relations.


Presentation and payment of bills:

Tom Santacroce presented the bills to be paid in the month of April in the amount of $80,996.01.


MOTION:  It was moved by Monica Knaff, seconded by Tom Santacroce to accept the figure of $80,996.01 for the bills to be paid in April, and passed unanimously.


MOTION:  At 7:35 pm it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff