Board of Directors Annual Meeting Minutes


May 16, 2007

 Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director at large, Alan Ackley, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack

 Absent: Fire Marshall Michael Richards

  At 7:07 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 A quorum of voters was established with 21 Poquonnock Bridge Fire District voters and/or taxpayers present, as announced by Allen Palmer, Registrar of Voters.   

 President Welch welcomed all members.  The purpose of the meeting was to consider the budget for 2007-2008.  Allen Palmer, a representative from the Voter Registration Office was present with the voters list.  President Welch announced that Attorney Glenn T. Carberry would represent the Board of Directors as legal counsel and that Mr. Carberry would moderate this meeting.

 Attorney Carberry briefly explained the process for the nomination and election of the Board of Directors and Officers who will serve a term from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.  Attorney Carberry called for assistance by appointing Jamie Muhlack and Alan Carberry as tellers to keep track of ballots and to tabulate the results.

 Nominations for the Office of President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Ed Welch was nominated for the Office of President and Board of Directors by Alan Ackley.  Peter Legnos seconded the motion. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations.

 Nominations for the Office of Vice President and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Peter Legnos was nominated for the Office of Vice President and Board of Directors by Ed Welch.  Alan Ackley seconded the motion.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nomination.

 Nominations for the Office of the Clerk and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Nancy Beckwith was nominated for the Office of Clerk and Board of Directors by Peter Legnos.  Ed Welch seconded the motion. 

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nomination.

 Nominations for the Office of Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors were open to the floor.  Thomas Santacroce was nominated for the Office of Treasurer and Board of Directors by Alan Ackley.  Peter Legnos seconded the motion.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nomination.

 Nominations for the Director at Large were open to the floor.  Alan Ackley was nominated for the Office of director at Large and Board of Directors by Nancy Beckwith. Peter Legnos seconded the motion.

MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the nominations.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the nominations on one ballot.

Motion passed unanimously.   

The moderator announced that the second part of the meeting was to review and adopt the proposed budget.

Chief Paige reviewed the detailed line items as listed in the proposed changes to the budget.  He explained that there was a 5.23% increase over last year which was split between personnel and other expenses. Chief Paige explained that he addressed an increase in fire fighters per state statute and reported that adding staff has in the past reduced overtime expenditures.  It additionally had reduced workers compensation costs as well as injuries and loss time.  (last night the fire fighters responded to a fire in Bradford, RI which resulted in an injury.   Chief Paige continued to explain each line item in the proposed Poquonnock Bridge Fire District Annual Budget in detail  

Attorney Carberry opened the floor to questions. 

A voter asked Chief Paige what would the proposed tax rate be  Chief Paige responded that the mill rate could not be calculated at this time as the Town of Groton has not provide the grand List to Poquonnock Bridge Fire District.   Another voter asked how many volunteers were there in Poquonnock Bridge Fire Department.  Chief Paige responded that there was 1 in t raining, 2 in the system to be trained and 4 fire policemen.  .The same voter asked if the District pays for the training.  The response was yes, as well as the equipment.    Additional questions came from the floor asking if paid firefighters contribute towards insurance and if there are records on which alarm boxes are pulled.  As maintenance of fireboxes was a budget item, the voter wondered if there was any change in use of fire boxes with the use of cell phones.   Chief Paige responded that boxes within a building result in immediate response and those maintenance costs of street boxes are minimal.  There are 135 boxes being maintained in the district, some of which are at the same location.  (e.g. the Marriott hotel) Chief Paige additionally stated that paid firefighters contribute 8% towards insurance costs.  The next voter asked how many calls there were last year.  Chief Paige responded that there were 1,999 calls which is the average over the past five (5) years.  A voter asked about the status of the new fire truck. Had it been paid for yet?  Chief Paige responded that it was ordered in December and that the District exercised an option to prepay 95% with an insurance policy to protect the District.  Five (5) percent had been withheld to pay upon delivery.  Additional discussion continued and Chief Paige stated that Truck # 32 would be used as a backup versus the Old Mystic Truck that was previously used and leased for $1 per year.  Chief Paige reported that past experience was that there was not enough backup using this method.

 MOTION:              (2) Voter Carl Kiely moved to accept the 2007-2008 budget amount of $3,873,917.  Hank Steinford seconded the motion.   







 The Budget is adopted. 

MOTION:              (3) Alan Ackley moved to authorize the Fire District Committee to levy a tax on the Fire District Grand List last completed to become due and payable on July 1, 2007 to cover the appropriations approved at this meeting.  Valerie Ackley seconded the motion. 







 MOTION:              (4) Nancy Beckwith moved to authorize the District Treasurer to take temporary loans as may be deemed necessary by the Fire District Committee.  Alan Ackley seconded the motion.  Discussion continued by voter questions – Is there a minimum or maximum amount?  Chief Paige responded that any major expense would be subject to public vote. Back in 1990-1992 the past collection rate had dropped and the District had to take a short term loan of $50,000 in June and July.   Normally the Fund Balance is carried forward.  







 MOTION:              (5) Nancy Beckwith moved to authorize the Fire District Committee to apply funds from the unencumbered balances in the 2006-2007 budgets.  Peter Legnos seconded the motion.   







 MOTION:              Carl Kiely moved to authorize the Fire District Board of Directors to fill all vacancies.  Peter Legnos seconded the motion.  







 Carl Kiely stated that he had heard that the committee was considering charging for mutual aid responses and hopes that we reconsider.  Mr. Kiely stated that we receive more than we get with Mutual aid. 

MOTION:              Peter Legnos moved to adjourn the meeting.  Alan Ackley seconded the motion. 








Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Beckwith,


Poquonnock Bridge Fire District.