Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

 January 11, 2007

Present:  President, Ed Welch, Vice President Peter Legnos, (arrived late) Clerk Nancy Beckwith, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, and Fire Marshall Michael Richards

  Absent:  Director Joyce Bergeson,   Chief Todd Paige, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Muhlack.

  At 7: 00 the President announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.

 MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the regular meeting minutes of December 14, 2006,   and passed unanimously.

 Remarks from Visitors: 


 Reports and Communications:

Chief Todd Paige’s report was submitted by Deputy Chief Shaw on behalf of Chief Paige and accepted for the record.      Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s issued no formal report.  Fire Marshall Richards’s report was submitted and accepted for the record.  Clerk Nancy Beckwith offered no formal report.   Treasurer Tom Santacroce offered no formal report.  

Unfinished Business

President Ed Welch asked if the Oil tank replacement was complete.  Deputy Chief Shaw responded that it was.  Nancy Beckwith reported that the next special meeting to fill the Board of Directors slot will be 2/8/07 at 6:30.   

New Business

President Ed Welch reported that a letter has been received from the Union President stating that Local 2704 filed its desire to amend the agreement pursuant to article 35, section 1.  Deputy Chief Shaw reported that Chief Paige was working the issue. Deputy Chief Shaw also asked which Board members would be available to meet with Chief Paige to discuss Union negotiation strategy.  It was agreed that the Board would meet with Chief Paige Thursday, January 18th at 6 pm at the Long Hill Station.  

 Good of the Department


 Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer announced that the bills to be paid for January approved by the Vice President are $120,052.07

  MOTION:  At 7:21 it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn.


Nancy E. Beckwith, Clerk

Poquonnock Bridge Fire District