Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

September 11, 2003    


Present:   Alan Ackley (President), Peter Legnos (Vice President), Monica Knaff (Clerk), Thomas Santacroce (Treasurer) Tammy de la Cruz (Director), Chief Todd Paige, Fire Marshal Michael Richards, Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles.   

Absent: Deputy Chief Russell Shaw


President Ackley opened the meeting at 7:07pm. The clerk announced the call to order with the time and date.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum, with all board members present.  President Ackley announced that in commemoration of all those who lost their lives on 9-11-01a moment of silence would be held, followed by a pledge to the flag.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to accept the minutes of July 10, August 14, and 15 with a correction to the date of the volunteers meeting.   


Reports and Communications:

President Ackley said the only report that needs to be read at this meeting is the September’s report. All August reports will be accepted for record.


Chief Todd Paige’s reports of August and September were accepted for the record.

A discussion followed concerning the mold at the Long Hill Fire Station. The Chief assured the board that this issue is being resolved.  Tom Eldridge, from the audience said, the union had an air quality test done.  The results of the test proved that there is mold on the majority of the exterior walls of the building. Peter Legnos said he is in the boating business and familiar with mold.  The district needs an engineer to clean, correct and inspect the building.  This is a problem that can be fixed. 


Fire Marshal Michael Richards’ reports of August and September were accepted for the record.                                                                                                                            

Mr. Richards said, the Maguire Company, which the chief has working on the mold, comes highly recommended. 


Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles’ reports of August and September were accepted for the record.


The Clerk’s September report was accepted for the record.


Unfinished Business:

Standard Practice No 18 as amended. Subject rules and regulations policy of the Poquonnock Bridge Fire District check disbursement.  All monthly checks will require three of five signatures with the signature of the treasurer being one of the three.  If the treasurer is not available then the president must sign the checks.  The treasurer and/or district president will sign the payroll.  Any time a check is required other than at the monthly meeting the treasurer must sign it.  No one may release a check of any kind without his signature.  Other board members will not be called until the treasurer has signed the check.  If the treasurer is unavailable at any time other than the monthly meeting the board of directors will call a special meeting in accordance with the freedom of information act.  If a check is needed immediately an emergency meeting will be called in accordance with the freedom of information act.


New Business:

Under Margaret’s August report she indicated that Matt Schuette, a broker with Anthem Blue Cross would like to attend the next board meeting.  Mr. Schuette would like to present some insurance alternatives.  The board agreed to have Mr. Schuette attend the October 9th meeting.


Correspondence of August 29 to Deputy Chief Russell Shaw from the Federal Communications Commission stated that they have installed a newly designed Direction Finding System in the greater New York and Philadelphia area, which uses antennas installed on rooftops on buildings.  In Groton the FCC requested permission to install an antenna at Long Hill Fire Station at 373 Long Hill Road.  It was determined that the instillation of this antenna would be advantageous to the operation of the system.


The board agreed to authorize the FCC installation of the antenna at the Long Hill Fire Station. 




The president announced that the Town Council would like to meet with the Board of Directors on Thursday, September 25th at 6:00pm at the Town Annex in regards to the consolidation request.  This will be a public meeting.  The board will meet at 5:30pm to refresh us concerning this resolution.  The president said the goal is to increase the efficiencies of the district.  The chief said he has heard concerns that the district is trying to get the rest of the town to foot the bills for the fire protection.  The president said this is an issue that deals with just this district.  


Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer presented bills to be paid in September in the amount of $55,071.07.  Manual checks for September are in the amount of $1,549.91.  


MOTION: Monica Knaff moved, seconded by Peter Legnos to accept the figure of $55,071.07 presented by the treasurer for the bills to be paid in September, passed unanimously. 


MOTION: Monica Knaff moved, seconded by Peter Legnos to accept the Manual checks in the amount of $1,549.91, passed unanimously. 


MOTION: At 8:09 pm Monica Knaff moved, it was seconded and carried to hold executive session to discuss personnel matters and the lawsuit. 


MOTION: At 8:45 pm the president reconvenes the meeting and said that Margaret Wyles and Chief Todd Paige were invited to executive session.  Tom Santacroce moved, it was seconded and carried to reconvene the regular meeting.  The chairman announced that no votes were taken; no decisions were made in executive session.


MOTION: It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to adjourn at 8:47pm.


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff. Clerk