Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

 June 10, 2004 


Present:     President Alan Ackley, Vice President Peter Legnos, Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Director Tammy de la Cruz, Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles                 

Absent:     Clerk Monica Knaff, Fire Marshal Michael Richards                 


Alan Ackley opened the meeting at 7:18 p.m.  Tammy de la Cruz announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum, with one director and the fire marshal absent.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to acceptance of the minutes of April 8, and the regular and special minutes of May 13 as amended.   


Reports and Communications

Chief Todd Paige’s report was accepted for record

Fire Marshal Richards’ report was accepted for record

Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles’ report was accepted for record


Unfinished Business:      

Russell Shaw explained that Long Hill Fire Station is having problems with windows. Ruby Glass Co. suggests that the windows be removed, resealed and replaced.  Ruby Glass did this to one window and it seemed to work.  The Artistic suggests breaking out blocks in the building to see what is happening.  Ruby Glass has presented a price for removing the windows at $3,750.00 to pull out the remaining 5 windows in the front. Deputy Shaw requested a price to take out the other windows to have them caulked and replaced.  They were unable to do this at this time.  The budget has approximately $7,000.00 set aside for this job. Ruby will do the windows and bring in a subcontractor to do the calking. Vice  President Legnos would like to go and look at these windows.  If Ruby and the subcontractor will guarantee this work then it would be ok but without that  I don’t think we should put any money into it.  A discussion followed.  A meeting was planned for Friday, June 11th at 10:30am for Mr. Legnos and Mr. Shaw to look at the problem.

 Russell Shaw had some flooring bids. The district sent the bids out for removing the rugs from the top floor and replacing it with vinyl

composition tile and a vinyl coat to cover the outside.  The bids received are:

                1.  Plus bid $8,130.50

                2.  Builders Tile bid $10,687.04          

                3.  Mazzella Tile bid $16,837.34

The Deputy Chief request that the board approve $8,130.50 for the floor covering at the Long Hill Fire Station.   


MOTION:  Tammy de la Cruz moved, seconded by Peter Legnos to approve the bid for flooring at $8,130.50, passed unanimously.


New Business:

Russell Shaw investigated the fact that the town has a new truck and is interested in the possibility that the district purchase the same truck. The price of this truck which is a 2004 Ford F350 and would cost $23,631.00 which is less then the amount budgeted for a new truck.  A discussion followed.  The district is interested in reviewing thee bids from the town. 


From Margaret Wyles report #2, The Salvation Army is looking for a donation.  The district is interested in supporting this organization.

Because of the budgetary restraints this will be discussed at the July meeting.


Tom Santacroce asked how the take over of the Sub Base housing affects this district.  At this time information is not available.

Deputy Chief Shaw gave a brief explanation.  Deputy Shaw will present a file of the information he received from some meetings.    


Good of the Department:

Chief Todd Paige has two letters Doreen Suarez thanks the Poquonnock Bridge Fire District for the help they gave her. She had two different medical alarms and she was served by Captain Blais, Captain Giesing, Fire Fighter Kale Kiely, Captain Driscoll and Fire Fighter Quilter.

 The second letter was from Electric Boat’s President John Casey thanking the district for their efficient response to their alarm. 


Presentation and payment of bills

The treasurer presented bills to be paid in June in the amount of $105,559.91 manual checks for this month are in the amount of $43,140.82.


MOTION: Peter Legnos moved seconded by Tammy de la Cruz to accept the figure of $105,559.91 as presented by the treasurer for the bills to be paid in June and to accept the amount of $43,140.82 for the manual checks, passed unanimously.


At 8:22 pm the president called for executive session inviting Chief Todd Paige, Deputy Chief Russell Shaw and Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles to join in the executive session. 


At 9:09 pm the president reconvened the meeting.      

MOTION:  Tammy de la Cruz moved, seconded by Peter Legnos to give the chief authorization to hire two new fire fighters:

Michael Lowell and Theodore Kunsa. passed unanimously. 


MOTION:  At 9:12 it was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff