Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes

Groton, CT 06340

July 8, 2004    


Present:  President Alan Ackley, Vice President Peter Legnos, Clerk Monica Knaff, Director Tammy de la Cruz,                    Deputy Chief Russell Shaw, Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles                 

Absent:  Treasurer Thomas Santacroce, Chief Todd Paige, Fire Marshal Michael Richards         


Alan Ackley opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  The clerk announced the call to order with the time, date and place.  Roll call was taken to establish a quorum, with one director, the chief and the fire marshal absent.  A moment of silence and a pledge to the flag followed.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to acceptance of the minutes of April 14th, May 12th and June 10th minutes.   


Reports and Communications

Deputy Chief Russell Shaw’s report was accepted for record

Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles’ report was accepted for record

Clerk Monica Knaff’s report was accepted. 


Unfinished Business:      

The Deputy Chief gave a report relevant to the windows at the Long Hill Station.  Ruby Glass is asking $3,750.00 to remove, reseal and replace five front windows on the second floor and $5,660.00 will be the cost of calking the remaining approximately 32 windows.  This will bring the total cost to $9,410.00.


MOTION: Peter Legnos moved, seconded by Tammy de la Cruz to honor the bid from Ruby Glass Co. to remove, reseal and replace five front windows on the second floor and to calk the remaining windows at the Long Hill Station in the amount of $9,410.00, passed unanimously.


The Deputy Chief said Ruby Glass also noticed other potential leak areas, such as a window sill in the back stair well.  Control joint calking has a life expectancy of ten to fifteen years and it is at the point where it needs to be replaced. Ruby Glass gave a price of $3,630. The deputy chief will get additional bids for this job. 


The possible purchase of a truck with the bids from the town may not be possible at this time. The dealer does not have any 2004 trucks left and he does not have the 2005 prices yet.


MOTION:  It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to give the Salvation Army a contribution of $50.00 


New Business:

The Deputy Chief said the ladder truck is still out for repair and is having some problems.  The 8V92 turbo charged Detroit engine is having pressure on the crank case and is pushing oil out the breather box.  The problem could be a piston with a hole.  Two mechanics for the town garage inspected this engine and they concur with the mechanic working on the truck that a major overhaul must be done.  Mr. Legnos is familiar with this engine and thinks the district should find out what the standard is for rebuilding and what its expected life will be. A rebuilt engine would cost approximately $25,000.  Mr. Legnos requested the deputy chief bring in all the options for this motor.  A discussion followed.  The vice president asked the deputy chief to request a full in-place rebuilt quote and what is the standard so it will be close to the factory built motor.  As soon as we have this information we will call for a special meeting to discuss and vote on this issue. 


Good of the Department:

Margaret Wyles has been requesting clarity concerning the eight Conseco policies.  The district put the cancellation of these policies on hold in January 2003.  We need direction from Attorney Carberry. 


Monica Knaff commented that the firemen look sharp and very professional with their shorts.  


Presentation and payment of bills

With the treasurer absent Margaret Wyles presented the bills for June as $61,835.95 and July bills are $84,300.30.


MOTION: Monica Knaff moved seconded by Peter Legnos to accept the figure of $61,835.95 for June and the figure of $84,300.30 for July bills, passed unanimously.


Margaret Wyles requested that the president and the clerk sign the encumbrance form for the year 2003-2004.


At 7:50 pm the president called for executive session inviting Deputy Chief Russell Shaw and Administrative Assistant Margaret Wyles to join in the executive session the subject will be a personnel matter.  


At 8:34 pm the president reconvened the meeting and stated that no votes were taken no decisions were made in executive session.    


MOTION:  At 8:35 it was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to adjourn. 


Respectfully submitted:



Monica R. Knaff